Wherever you go, there you are.

These wise words of Jon Kabat-Zinn closed out our Moving Mantras retreat yesterday.  They’re such a powerful reminder that no matter how much we try to escape ourselves, there we are waiting at the end of the day.  It’s better to learn to sit with all of our imperfect perfectness and embrace it than to run away from it.  Yesterday was a powerful reminder in itself that we have such a strong community right here in our own backyards, and how filled with gratitude we are to be a part of it. Continue reading

Our Favorite Things: August Edition

It’s that time again!  We combined forces to give y’all a list of what we’re loving right now.  And this time, we’re not messing around.  These are the objects-du-jour without which we would be total train wrecks!  Shockingly, there’s food on this list.  #livetoeat #lovetoshop #notapologizing Continue reading

Summer Lovin’

I have kind of a love-hate relationship with stuff.  I will go through being obsessed with one tank top or pair of jeans for months, and then just cast it off one day like a rejected lover, NEVER wanting to see it again.  But when I’m in it, I am IN IT.  I’ll wear that tank five times a week (not kidding), I’ll order the same thing on a menu every time I go to the restaurant because it’s just SO good.  So I decided to compile a little list of things I’m loving right now.  Because it’s only the now that matters anyway, right? Continue reading

Wanderlust: A few of my favorite things

I spent the last few days at Wanderlust in Stratton, Vermont.  I took 7 yoga classes in 3 days, camped, ate delicious food, listened to amazing tunes and spent some serious quality time with my husband.  I needed a pause from my hectic life to clear my head and inspire my practice.  I feel so incredibly full right now of appreciation and gratitude not only for the experience of Wanderlust but for just about everything in my life.   I promise a solid few posts in the next week about the actual festival and the currently ineffable yoga classes, but for now I’m here to chat about the amazing purchases I made at the festival and my new favorite things!

1)  My Robbie Simon mala inspired necklace is without any doubt my favorite purchase.  After 3 hours of mind-blowing practice-  first a euphoric class co-taught by Elena Brower and Schuyler Grant  followed by a boogy-down class by MC Yogi and the musical accompinemt of the fabulous DJ Drez – I decided to kill time before my next class by checking out the vendors to buy a gift for my mom.  I stumbled upon a simple bracelet and stopped to check out the other pieces and before I knew it I was engaged in an amazing conversation with the founder and designer of the Brooklyn-based brand.  Only at a place like Wanderlust can you accidently find yourself in an amazing conversation about travel, food, yoga and life with an amazing soul and kindred spirit.    In sum, I purchased this amazing necklace whose signature piece is an antique Tibetan bell.  I highly recommend checking out her beautiful and truly unique pieces on her website. Continue reading