Our Favorite Things: August Edition

It’s that time again!  We combined forces to give y’all a list of what we’re loving right now.  And this time, we’re not messing around.  These are the objects-du-jour without which we would be total train wrecks!  Shockingly, there’s food on this list.  #livetoeat #lovetoshop #notapologizing Continue reading

Wanderlust: A few of my favorite things

I spent the last few days at Wanderlust in Stratton, Vermont.  I took 7 yoga classes in 3 days, camped, ate delicious food, listened to amazing tunes and spent some serious quality time with my husband.  I needed a pause from my hectic life to clear my head and inspire my practice.  I feel so incredibly full right now of appreciation and gratitude not only for the experience of Wanderlust but for just about everything in my life.   I promise a solid few posts in the next week about the actual festival and the currently ineffable yoga classes, but for now I’m here to chat about the amazing purchases I made at the festival and my new favorite things!

1)  My Robbie Simon mala inspired necklace is without any doubt my favorite purchase.  After 3 hours of mind-blowing practice-  first a euphoric class co-taught by Elena Brower and Schuyler Grant  followed by a boogy-down class by MC Yogi and the musical accompinemt of the fabulous DJ Drez – I decided to kill time before my next class by checking out the vendors to buy a gift for my mom.  I stumbled upon a simple bracelet and stopped to check out the other pieces and before I knew it I was engaged in an amazing conversation with the founder and designer of the Brooklyn-based brand.  Only at a place like Wanderlust can you accidently find yourself in an amazing conversation about travel, food, yoga and life with an amazing soul and kindred spirit.    In sum, I purchased this amazing necklace whose signature piece is an antique Tibetan bell.  I highly recommend checking out her beautiful and truly unique pieces on her website. Continue reading